Registration for Auditions for the 2025-2026 Season is open.

The 2025-2026 Season’s audition excerpts are now available!

Please review the audition requirements for each program (linked below).

Current MYAC members are not required to audition each year unless they wish to move up to the next higher level ensemble. Auditions to move up must be completed during the first round.

During the 1st round of auditions, there will be openings for all instruments in all of our ensembles.

Entrance into all programs, with the exceptions of Reading Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and Maestros, is based on the result of an audition. All auditions are recorded live and reviewed by a committee of ensemble directors. Vocal auditions are performed with one of the choral ensemble directors.

Audition timeline:

Many students audition for MYAC each year. Unfortunately, especially in the older ensembles, there are limited positions as we have to balance enrollment – for example, we cannot have more than 6 students in the clarinet section because it makes for difficult chamber placement as well as part assignments. Consequently, we usually finalize our personnel by May of each year. In order to make the audition process fair, here is our timetable:

  1. mid-March: audition times are released

  2. April - early May: auditions take place

  3. June 1st: audition results are distributed

FIRST ROUND AUDITIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY MAY 12, 2025. Current MYAC members who wish to move up MUST audition by May 12, 2025. All auditions after this date will be for open positions only.

It is important that you schedule your audition early and try to not change your audition date. We cannot add additional dates to our audition calendar once audition times are scheduled. If you choose a date and you need to change it for any reason, there will be a $40 rescheduling fee.

Audition requirements by program:

Audition requirements of each program are detailed in the links below. Please seek guidance from your private teacher when preparing for the audition.

Audition Decisions:

Audition decisions are final and will not be reconsidered. Students are carefully and thoughtfully assigned to ensembles based on the rubric criteria on our website and with the input of a panel of teachers and conductors. We are confident in our placements. We want students to be appropriately challenged, be able to grow in their ensemble, and move up when appropriate. Please refer to this Orchestral Rubric for details outlining expectations for each ensemble.

Reaudition Policy:

MYAC’s policy has always been that we do not allow students to re-audition or audition a second time in the same academic year. If we were to allow re-auditions, auditions would continue indefinitely into the year. Music within ensembles gets more difficult as the year progresses, and ensembles grow together and develop as a unit.

Partnership with Schools:

It is MYAC policy that all students participate in their school music programs. We exist in partnership, not competition, with area schools. We expect to send students back to their schools as better musicians and leaders for being part of our program.

How do I sign up for an audition?

Audition Forms are now available on the program pages linked above.

Fill out the form and pay the $40 non-refundable audition fee. You will be directed to pay via credit card after you submit your audition form.

After paying the $40 audition fee, the final confirmation page of the audition form contains a link to schedule your audition. Please double-check your calendar before selecting an audition time.  Each rescheduling of an audition appointment requires the payment of an additional $40 non-refundable rescheduling fee.