Annual Report
A Message from the President/Founder and the Chairman of the Board
Dear MYAC families and friends,
MYAC can face challenges like no other organization I know because of our students, families, friends, donors, Board, staff and alumni. We epitomize the idea that challenges build character. Here are some powerful quotes that relate to the challenging and difficult times we all faced in 2020-2021 at MYAC...
When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. – Paulo Coelho
Headed into 2019-2020, MYAC was growing like crazy – serving close to 1,000 contacts a year. We could barely squeeze ourselves into Symphony rehearsals and had to limit enrollment to 120 just to fit in the room. When Covid hit us in March, we basically had to shut down all in-person operations, but kept close to our students and families through creative conversations, including telephone and Zoom masterclasses, breakfasts, and classes.
Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. – Roger Crawford
Over the beginning of the summer, our wonderfully creative faculty met and came up with special classes to help keep our students involved in music. The goal was to engage the creativity and musical passion of our students. Thanks to our fantastically supportive donors and the government’s forgivable loans, we were able to keep our faculty and staff involved in providing music education opportunities.
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. – Robert F. Kennedy
But the “Musical Staycation” didn’t go far enough: the goal remained to try and create a environment to allow us to perform and rehearse together again – in the same location, playing the same music. We are thankful for our parents at MYAC and believe we can answer many of our “issues” by coming together.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. – Helen Keller
We are so fortunate here at MYAC to have a mission that everyone buys into. One that expresses why we exist: “to build a home (a place for everyone – students, families, ALL members of our community – any color, any race, any age) with the POWER of music (no need to explain that one!) to enrich the lives of our students (make them whole – allow them to be who they are, to grow while being supported and nourished by music, family, friends – allow them to become scientists, inventors, doctors, teachers, musicians, garage mechanics, etc., all loving & appreciating music as part of their lives) and their communities (families, schools, churches, social groups, etc...).
If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? – T.S. Eliot
That T. S. Eliot quote is how I felt when we were putting up the tent. It HAD TO WORK!!!
Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change. – Martin Luther King Jr.
We persevered and had one of the best years of our 28 years, thanks to all of YOU! YOU made it possible for us to rehearse every weekend, all but the 2 days in sub-zero temps. YOU students, because you came on freezing days and made music against incredible odds. YOU parents, for letting your children come to MYAC. YOU BOD & donors, for helping us get through the year with greatly reduced tuition and greatly increased costs. YOU faculty & staff, for being here in difficult times and showing your dedication and love of teaching.
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. – Chinese proverb
So THANK YOU for a wonderful year! Perhaps not the easiest, but one none of us will ever forget. Now we need to take that gem and use it to light the world with music and bright, hard-working young adults, and families that witnessed the dedication and hard work of our faculty & staff. We need to go even further with our mission, “to build a home with the POWER of MUSIC to enrich the lives of our students and their communities”!
Sincerely with great admiration, respect & appreciation,
Allan Dennis (Founder & President)
Martha Arroyo (Chairman of the Board)
Allan Dennis
President & Founder
Martha Arroyo
Chairman of the Board